Sunday, August 21, 2011


Addiction is a filthy animal
wrangling in saliva
pouring out sweet nectar
in a delusion...
It's a draw.
It's a gun.
It's a bomb.
It's a piece of gum.
It's a swallow whole.
It's a time share.
It's a fuck you.
A follicle is nothing but a
piece of art
A cracking back makes me
sick in the wind.
Fears. Atomic Acid Bomb
A wind shattering altering
chemical that I never injected
It was just planted there
from the beginning,
sweet tooth gone astray
whispers, of yours
I can hear so loudly
Forget me nots
A 1 am phone call.
A 24 hour drive thru.
What happens when you
have too many at once?
Do you choke on the leftovers.
Don't look in there.
I'm in love with your kitchen.
So full and happy.
That you cannot hold anything
yet I take all
the weight.

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